TO THE FRIENDS OF WOMAN’S RIGHTS “Our movment has been received with unexpected favor. The necessity of some change in the condition of those women dependent for their support, on their own exertions, has been universally acknowledged. Even the more radical claims to equal rights, and to a change in the law of marriage, which shall give the wife equal control with the husband over their joint property, has met with far more encouragement than any one could have expected. —We cannot overlook the great benefit, likely to result from large conventions — Where can we better hold these than in New York, the commercial capital of the country, whose press is listened to by the Nation? –We invite, therefore, all well-wishers to the enfranchisement and elevation of women, to assemble in Convention in New York city, on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 6th and 7th of September next, at the Broadway Tabernacle.” Signed by 37 people, men and women. (Liberator, August 12, 1853, pg 3)