London Convention — From the Emancipator … Letter from Joseph Sturge, Esq. Birmingham, 3d, mo 3, 1840
“…. It is reported that several of our female friends to the cause, are likely to be appointed from America. Though I believe I carry my views of the rights of women as far as most on this side of the Atlantic, yet I fear such a step would be anything rather than a help to our cause. The feeling against it would be so strong generally, even with our best friends. In all our labors in this country, they held their meetings and committees perfectly distinct from ours, and the idea of appointing any female delegates to the coming Convention will never, I believe, occur to one of the Committees in this country. So that if any do come from America, they will have to encounter the strong feeling against it, which exists here, standing alone. Under these circumstances, if there is any truth in the report, I am sure the kindest thing to them, as well as the best for our cause, would be for you to do all you can to discourage it…..Joseph Sturge
(Liberator, May 8, 1840, pg 3)