British Guiana Edward Carberry, Esq., Agent of the Immigration Society of British Guiana, having appointed Messrs. John T. Hilton, Thomas Cole, W.S. Jennings, J.W. Butler, and James G. Barbadoes, of this city, a committee to carry the objects of that Society into effect, they have consented to act in that capacity, and accordingly are now ready to receive and register the names of all free colored persons of good character and industrious habits, who may desire to avail themselves of the advantages of a settlement on that free soil — and also to give such information respecting the immigration plan as may be desired. The transportation to the colony will be free of expense to the emigrants.
James. G. Barbadoes, Secretary, Boston, Feb. 21, 1840
(Liberator, April 10, 1840 pg4 )