$20 REWARD …. Ranaway from the subscriber’s residence, (near Piscataway, Prince George’s county, Maryland,) on Saturday night, the 30th of May, 1840, my negro woman SUSAN. About 35 years old, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high,, of a very dark complexion, and had a scar, I think, on her left check, about an inch long. She took with her some calico dresses. She has a mother and some brothers living in Washington city, some living near the steamboat wharf, and some on the Capitol hill, I believe, and were left free some years ago by Peter Dejean, of Prince George’s county, Maryland. The above reward will be paid to any person who will secure her in jail so that I get her again, and all reasonable expenses paid if brought home.
(Liberator, June 26, 1840, pg 1)