Nigger, nigger, nigger, —ad infinitum

Contents of a Secesh Journal.     Nigger, nigger, more nigger, big nigger, little nigger, abolition, John Brown, Stonewall Jackson’s grave, nigger, black nigger, yaller nigger; C-o-n-s-t-i-t-u-t-i-o-n; peace on any terms; emancipation, confiscation, and abomination; nigger, lots of nigger, cords of nigger; Puritan intolerance; abridgment of our sacred liberties; nigger, nigger, heaps of nigger, get out of the way nigger, nigger here and nigger there; more puritan intolerance; abridgment of our sacred liberties; religious persecution; illiberality towards adopted citizens; God bless Jeff Davis, d—n Abe Lincoln; nigger, no end to the nigger; more about Stonewall Jackson’s grave,  nigger, sleek, well-fed nigger slaves at the South, and poor starving white slaves at the North; despotism, anarchy and ruin stare us in the face; down with the fratricidal Abolition Administration at Washington; nigger, nigger, n-i-g-g-e-r; and so on ad infinitum. – Sierra Democrat.

                 (Liberator,  April 22, 1864, pg 3)