Pro-Slavery Catechism

April 24, 1846

Some sample lines from this::

Who was the first Negro?    Cain
How did he become so?   The Lord set a black mark upon him
Did the Southern slaves come from him?   Yes
How did they get through the flood?   O, No! They didn’t come from him; they came from Ham.
How do you know that?      Because, Ham means black.
Upon whom did Noah pronounce a curse?    Upon Ham
Does the Bible say so?     No; it says Canaan, but then it means Ham.
Does the curse make it right that the blacks should be enslaved?    Yes
Why?  Because it says they should be.
Was Paul a good man?    Yes, he was a holy Saint
What did he do?      He sent back a runaway slave.
What was his advice, and that of the other apostles, to the slaves?
To abide in their calling, and to be obedient to their masters.
What does US stand for?     US
Who has a right to say so?    Nobody, but the slaveholders.
What does U.S.A. stand for?    United Slaveholding America

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