From the Late Rebel Papers We have late copies from the Charleston Mercury and Savannah Republican The Mercury is printed upon a half sheet of small size, at the rate of $40 per year. The paper abounds in advertisements of slaves for sale, as for instance, “Julia, a very superior cook, twenty-two years old, together with her daughter, four years of age, or, “a very likely family of negroes, the mother aged twenty-four and the children five and three years of age.” There are occasional advertisements of runaway slaves.
The Southern Prebyterian says that one result of the war will be “a kindlier feeling than every on the part of the master for his slaves.” The editor “looks with confidence to see slavery shown of all its abuses, so far as may be in any way practicable, within a very short time after the close of the war.” Taveller.
(Liberator, November 18, 1864, pg 3_)