Release of a slave, in Albany

Release of the Slave at Albany  —  The decision in the case of the woman brought before the authorities at Albany, is thus noticed by the Evening Journal:

‘It (the decision) at length arrived, directing the Sheriff  to inform the slave that she was at liberty to return to her master or remain at the North  — in fact, that she was free.   She chose not to return, and left the jail, escorted by a host of citizens, who cheered her and her escort most enthusiastically.  We understand that the ground upon which the Judge came to his decision was, that as her master had brought her to this State, she could not be considered under the Constitution as a fugitive from another State and that in consequence under our own state law, she was free.  Had she escaped from another State and been arrested in this, a contrary decision would have been the result.   This decision and the grounds upon which it is based, are unquestionably correct.  If southern gentlemen bring their slaves to New York, they must do so at their own risk.  By our laws they are FREE as soon as they reach New York, soil.  So will our courts, juries, and last, though not least, our people, uniformly decide.’

                                                     (Liberator, Sept 22, 1843, pg 4)