“Rhode Island A Slave Mart! Start you, reader, at this announcement: Well you may; but read the following extract from the Providence Journal of the 13th ult, where it appears in an advertisement signed, ‘M.A.D’Wolf’, as assignee of William H. D’Wolf, how appropriate the name for such ferocious bipeds! ‘Will be sold at public auction, in front of the counting room of Mark A. D’Wolf, in Bristol, on Friday, the 14th of November, at 12 o”clock noon, for benefit of creditors, All the right, title and interest, which William H. D’Wolf had, at the time of the making of his assignment, to the following described real and personal property, viz: Then the advertisement appears: NEGROES, (!), stock, tools and utensils, belonging to said estate! ‘ There! is not our accusation proved? Is not Rhode Island a bona fide slave mart? Who will say she is not? “(Liberator, December 12, 1845, pg 3)
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