LETTER FROM THE SOUTH (For obvious reasons, we omit all names and places mentioned in the following letter, which has been received within a few days:)
Samuel May, Jr: Dear Sir:–” A kind friend from Boston has recently sent me a number of your valuable Anti-Slavery paper, The Liberator, and from it I see that persons desiring Anti-Slavery tracts should apply to you. I wish you to send me one of all you have for distribution. I can do much good with them here, but will have to be cautious with them. Several which I brought with me from Massachusetts are read with avidity by a certain class here. Slavery is not so strong in the South as many suppose. Some persons here wo do not own slaves, are as good anti-slavery men as I ever desire to see, but they are cautious in talking about it. ”
(Liberator, February 22, 1856, pg 3)