April 4, 1851
Under the title Let Massachusetts Speak! , it is noted that the State Convention to be held in opposition to the Fugitive Slave Law, previously scheduled for Worcester, will be held in Boston. “The change is a judicious one. ‘The heart of the Commonwealth’ is sound, on this subject, and needs no attention. But Boston is the headquarters of Mammon, Cottonocracy, and Pro-Slavery. Here, therefore, is the place for a popular moral demonstration , such as the State can make, and such as Boston will feel…. The Fugitive Slave Bill is unconstitutional , immoral, barbarous, and diabolical, and must not be obeyed, but resisted and thwarted in every feasible manner…..Called as the Convention is, in the most guarded manner, and for an object both legal and humane, and by a long list of names that challenge universal respect, still, the city authorities of Boston have audaciously refused to allow it to be held in FANEUIL Hall !! This is a low, dirty, dastardly piece of usurpation, an insult to the free spirit of the Commonwealth, and a gratuitous pandering to the Slave Power. …..The outside of Faneuil Hall is a good deal larger than the inside, and we think it will be much better adapted to accomodate the masses who will ere long assemble in this city to express their honest opinion of the employment of the army and navy to catch slaves in Massachusetts.”
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