A RETURNED FUGITIVE SLAVE AGAIN FREE. Thomas Sims, who was returned from Boston in 1851 to his master in Georgia, under the Fugitive Slave Law, arrived in Boston on Thursday of last week, with his family. He came direct from Vicksburg, where he had been employed as a bricklayer, having escaped from that city about three weeks ago to General Grant’s lines in a dugout, with his wife, child and four colored men.
Two of the men who escaped from Vicksburg with Sims found employment on Porter’s fleet, although offered passes to the North. One came to New York, and the fourth, an intelligent young fellow, accompanied him to this city.
…..The life of Sims, with the story of his treatment since taken back to slavery, would make an interesting story, and probably it will be published in a small volume, at an early date. Boston Traveller
(Liberator, May 1, 1863, pg3)