DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION A few minutes before 1 o’clock this morning, fire caught in the northwest corner of Tremont Temple, and in less than an hour, the entire structure was in ruins. At two o’clock, the roof fell in, and in about half an hour, the south wall fell, outwardly, upon the roof of a law building adjoining, and soon the front fell directly into the street, when the building was entirely demolised…A light breeze from the west gently fanned the flames, and they spread with astonishing rapidity….The Tremont Temple, as is well known, was formerly the home of the Drama, having been built as a theatre in 1827, and was used as such till 1843, when it was sold to the Baptists for public worship, for $55,000.
(Liberator, April 2, 1852, pg 3)