Category: <span>Channing, William Ellery</span>

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1841 Abolitionists - Political Action Channing, William Ellery Smith, Gerrit

June 24, 1842 Here is a lengthy excerpt from Channing’s,  The Duty of the Free States,  with a clear call to maintain the Union

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Channing, William Ellery Disunion

October 7, 1842 Death of the “distinquished  writer, philanthropist, and divine, in Bennington, Vermont, on Sunday afternoon, after a short illness.”

* ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY 1842 Channing, William Ellery

1865 Channing, William Ellery

Death of Wm. Ellery Channing Intelligence has been received in this city of the decease of this distinguished writer, philanthropist and divine, at Bennington, Vermont, on Sunday afternoon last, after…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines 1842 Channing, William Ellery