Well, so be it; but, it is also not a war against the horses, the cotton, the money, the ships, the guns of the slaveholders. Yet, where you can, you take their horses, cotton, money, ships, guns, &c. Why? Because this is necessary to the conduct of the war. Well, the same is the case with slavery. If its destruction may not be the object of the war, why do you not allow that it is the means of the war? Since in relation to slavery you exhibit a respect which does not restrain you from any other “property”, or “right” of the slaveholders, it follows that slavery is especially sacred in your eyes, that you wish it about yourselves, and spare it from your own predilection, and that therefore you are waging war for slavery. “War for the Union” does not answer your motto; Union for Slavery – for that are 500.000 men and 500,000 dollars demanded. — Pioneer, Oct. 24
(Liberator, Nov 8, 1861, pg 3)