Proposals for Resuming the Weekly Publication of the
The Editor and proprietor of this work has concluded to resume its weekly publication in the State of Illinois. The particular place of location is not yet determined on, but will be made known when the first Number of the Sixteenth Volume shall appear. If practicable, that Number will be issued in the early part of July, next, (1838). As the character of the ‘Genius of Universal Emancipation’ is well know, throughout the United States, it is, perhaps, unnecessary to say much in explanation. The work has been published, at different places, and in various forms, nearly seventeen years. It was commenced in 1821; issued a few months in Ohio; nearly three years in Tennessee; eight years in Maryland and the District of Columbia; and the residue of the period, stated, it has been published, irregularly, in the city of Philadelphia…………………
(Liberator, May 11, 1838, pg 4)