Category: <span>Lovejoy, Elijah</span>

Under the Refuge of Oppression column there is a paragraph from C. F. Daniels, editor of the New York Gazette. It is introduced with this comment, .. ‘How complacent –…

1837 Anti-Abolition Lovejoy, Elijah

An account of the murder, is accompanied by a letter from John M. Krum, Mayor of Alton, describing the incident, and includes many comments from widely scattered sources, lamenting the…

1837 Freedom of Speech Lovejoy, Elijah Violence vs. Garrison & Others

1838 Anti-Slavery Organizations Fanueil Hall Freedom of Speech Lovejoy, Elijah

Under Refuge of Oppression, there is a letter from the Southern Christian Advocate, which says of the Lovejoy incident:….”…he has so suffered under a strong conviction in the public mind…

1838 Churches Lovejoy, Elijah

Here is a speech delivered by Lovejoy a few days before his death, at ” a great meeting of citizens of Alton”,  The claim is that Lovejoy wrote down as…

1838 Lovejoy, Elijah

July 29, 1853 An item from a gentleman residing at Alton, Illinois.  He tells of an old burying ground which has recently been remodeled, then is eloquent in his praise…