The Great Indian Council — We copy the following from the St. Louis New Era, of the 26th ultimo:
‘We learn from the Van Buren (Ark.) Intelligencer of the 14th, that the great Indian council at Tahle-quah, in the Cherokee nation, closed its deliberations on the 3d inst. Delegates from the Cherokee, Creek, Chickasaw, Delaware, Shawnee, Piankasha, Wea, Osage, Seneen, Stockbridge, Ottawa, Chioppewa, Peoria, Witchetah, Pottowatomic and Seminole tribes, were present. The result of their deliberations was a compact, binding upon each nation, party thereto, embracing the following objects: To maintain peace and friendship among each other. To abstain from retaliation for offenses committed by individuals. To provide for the improvement of their people in agriculture, manufactures, and other arts of peace. That no nation, party to this compact, shall, without the consent of the whole, sell, cede, or in manner alienate to the United States any part of their present territory. To provide for the punishment of crimes committed by the citizens of one nation upon the citizens of another. To admit the citizens of one nation to citizenship in any other nation, party to the compact. To endeavor to suppress the use of ardent spirits within the limits of their respective nations; and to prohibit its introduction by the citizens of one nation to the territory of another.’
(Liberator, August 18, 1843, pg 3)