Jackson’s Death

From the New York Tribune


The Louisville papers  which reached us by yesterday’s mail, brought the tidings of the death of General Jackson at the Hermitage on Sunday evening, 8th instant, at the advanced age of seventy-eight years.  This occurrence, though long expected, will excite deep sensation throughout the country.

We shower no indiscriminate, unmeaning eulogies on the departed.  For the iron energy of will, the inflexibility of purpose, the unshrinking courage of Gen. Jackson, we have all due respect.  And yet, from the day when we first became acquainted  with the facts respecting his memorable eruption into Florida, his capture of the Spanish posts, imprisonment of the authorities, and hanging of traders with the Indians, we have not doubted – how could we?  –that he was a man too rash, too reckless, too violent – too ready to stretch authority and arrogate power – to be safely entrusted with the responsibilities of exalted station.  The experience of our manhood has confirmed the impressions of early youth; and now, when we contemplate the wreck of the strongest bulwarks of Civil Liberty and National Faith which was caused by his refusal to  sustain the Supreme Court’s most rightful affirmance of the inviolability of the Cherokee territory in Georgia, and by his many kindred prostrations of judicial and legislative authority at the footstool of Executive power – when we shudder a the depravation of public morals and corruption of Popular Suffrage which have been created by his most wanton and unprovoked proscription of political opponents throughout his presidential career – ……….that we never ceased to exert in opposition to his policy all the little power we possessed and that we were enabled to case a ballot  — not vainly for us, though, alas! ineffectually for the country!  — against his re-election.

                                              (Liberator, June 27, 1845, pg 4)