Mrs. Mott in England. The Pennsylvania Freeman, in giving an account of the soiree given in London in honor of the foreign delegates to the Convention, states, on the authority of a private letter, that at the close of a speech by Mr. Garrison, loud calls began for ‘Mrs. Mott’, ‘Mrs. Mott’. The President, in obedience to the popular voice, announced her name. Just then Scoble rose, and wished to say something ‘of importance’, but the cry was from all quarters, ‘No, no; Mrs. Mott.’ He then, says, the Freeman, yielded the floor, and Mrs. Mott stepped forward and spoke for nearly half an hour, in a manner which commanded the fixed attention of the assembly. After all, the attempt to gag females in England, did not prove entirely successful.
(Liberator , July 31, 1840, pg 3)