“A meeting of the New England Non-Resistance Society will be holden in Worcester, Mass. (probably in Brinley Hall), Saturday and Sunday, arch 6th and 7th,commencing at 2 o’clock, P.M. on Saturday, and ending on Sunday evening. The session of Saturday afternoon will be devoted to preliminary business and the choice of Officers. On Saturday evening, an address on the general subject of Christian Non-Resistance will be delivered by Adin Ballou. On Sunday forenoon, afternoon, and eveing, there will be addresses, discussions, exhortations, and remarks, accompanied by singing, and such other devotional exercises as persons in attendance may feel it a privilege to offer. … Wm. Lloyd Garrison, Stephen S. Foster, Abby Kelley Foster, Henry C. Wright, and we hope many other able speakers, will be present on the occasion. … The discussions will be radical and earnest. All the bearings of the great doctrine, Total Abstinence From Injurious Force, Individual and Social, Moral and Political, Conservative and Reformatory, will be in order …. Finallly, we tender a welcome to all who seriously believe that the human race cannot be governed, protected, improved, and regenerated without a dernier resort to The Sword and Penal Vengeance. Come and give us your strong reasons. Come and hear ours in favor of never doing evil that good may come — never resisting injury with injury.” Adin Ballou
(Liberator, January 19, 1855, pg 3)