Whatever may be the views of the people with reference to the expediency of abolishing slavery in the District, we think everyone must attach a high value to the Right of Petition. This right has been attacked in the House, and we feel called on to protest against any attempt on the part of our Representatives, to infringe upon it in the least. The infamous resolution which passed that body, prohibiting the reading or referring of any petition on the subject of slavery in the District, is a plain, open and outrageous violation of the 1st article of the Amendments of the Constitution, and an insult to the whole American People. So far from checking the zeal of the People, the only effect of it will be to open hundreds of mouths which before were silent. The People will insist on having this right, whether they desire to exercise it at present or not. Springfield Gazette
( Liberator, Feb 2, 1838, pg2)