Category: <span>Walker’s Appeal</span>

“ The south may reasonably be alarmed at the circulation of Mr. Walker’s  Appeal; for a better promotion of insurrection was never sent forth to an oppressed people.  In a…

1831 Walker's Appeal

1831 Walker's Appeal

1831 Walker's Appeal

1831 Walker's Appeal

Reference to discussions of Walker,  includes something from “the pen of a gentleman of talents whose opinion we solicited of his criticism.”  G adds his own notes to this gentleman’s…

1831 Walker's Appeal

“V” quotes from Walker, and comments on specific arguments Walker makes. Here are some excerpts from “V”:  “Well done, David Walker!  I like your spirit, for it will work out…

1831 Walker's Appeal

Another article from “V”,  titled, Walker’s Appeal No. 3, fills the entire first page and concludes on the second.  It includes long quotes from the Appeal, and comments such as…

1831 Walker's Appeal

“Any person having a copy of the above work to dispose of, will incur a favor by calling at 25 Cornhill.”