January 18, 1850 An announcement that the editor has received a copy of Whittier’s Poems, published by Mussey & Co., 1850. The editor comments on his first acquaintance with Whittier’s…
Category: <span>Whittier, John Greenleaf</span>
May 17, 1850 In reference to an up-coming Anti-Slavery meeting scheduled for New York, here is an extract from the Herald, taken here from the N.Y. Globe, May 7, “…we…
June 9, 1854 “Enclosed are $2 for The Liberator. At a time like this, I cannot lose sight of the pioneer paper….. We must do what has never yet been…
January 13, 1860 Here there is comment on two poems by Whittier, both on the final page of this edition. “… we think there is not the same magnanimous recognition…
January 27, 1860 Whittier fells that in Garrison’s recent comments regarding his poems about Brown, has implied that he, Whittier, has relinquished previous strong pledges in abhorrence of war and…
An Unfair Procedure Some dozen years or more ago, John G.Whittier wrote some highly encomiastic lines on Henry Clay, as a patriot and statesman: since which, his eyes have been…