Death of Henry Bibb
At Windsor, C.W,. Tuesday, Aug. 1, Henry Bibb, aged 39 years.
Mr. Bibb was born a slave in Kentucky, in the year of our Lord 1815, and was reared under the blighting influence of that American Curse, to the age of 25; but his noble spirit could no more be circumscribed by its baneful and tyrannical influence, than the mighty cataract of Niagara could be a mill dam.
With a firm determination to be free, he followed the course of the North Star, through the intricate masses of the forest, until he reached a land where the grasp of the man-stealer could no reach him…….. in his demise the Anti-Slavery cause has lost one of its brightest ornaments and most efficient laborers, and it will send a thrill of sorrow throughout the whole Anti-Slavery ranks of the most poignant character, that will be felt to their extremist limits……………………
(Liberator, Aug 11, 1854, pg 3)_