“The House Divided’ Rev. Amos A. Phelps of Boston — a tried and devoted friend to the cause of humanity – a prominent and active member of the abolition party in this State, and Recording Secretary of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society, has resigned his connexion with the same, in a letter to the editor of the Liberator, in which he says
‘the Society is no long an Anti-Slavery Society simply, but in its principles and modes of action, has become a woman’s rights, non-government Anti-Slavery Society’. The attempt to shoulder the peculiar and ultra doctrines of William Lloyd Garrison upon the anti-slavery cause, we are extremely fearful will result in the entire overthrow of those philanthropic principles which we had hoped would have triumph over all attempts of the friends of the dear institution of slavery. We admire Garrison for his devotedness to the cause, but with his singular tenets we have no fellowship.’ — Quincy Patriot
(Liberator, May 10, 1839, pg 2)