September 27, 1844 A report of a meeting held in Northampton, in support of Charles T. Torrey, and Jonathan Walker, citizens of Massachusetts. “now pining in southern dungeons, on charge…
Category: <span>Walker, Jonathan</span>
December 6, 1844 Jonathan Walker has been sentenced to stand in the pillory for one hour, to be imprisoned for fifteen days, to pay a fine of one hundred and…
August 29, 1845 Under Refuge of Oppression, there is an item from the Barnstable (Democratic!) Patriot The item is vitriolic in criticism of Jonathan Walker, and Mr. Loring Moody, of…
October 17, 1845 Under Refuge of Oppression, from the Pensacola Gazette, an unsigned article is very critical of Walker and the attempts of abolitionists in the north to characterize him…
March 5, 1847 In a letter to Garrison, dated Feb 27, from Plymouth, Walker emphasizes the complicity involved as people use products of slave labor. “But, as slave produce and…
October 15, 1847 In a letter Walker refers to 66 slaves, emancipated by the will of Carter H. Edloe, deceased, of Virginia. They have been brought to Boston on a…