January 5, 1855 “We enter upon our new volume with undiminished zeal, courage and hope – warmly proferring toall our friends and patrons the loving salutations and wishes of the…
Category: <span>1855</span>
January 5, 1855 An article from the N. Y. Evangelist tells of a ship, recently in the harbor, which was discovered to be “taking in boards and materials suited for…
January 5, 1855 A Washington correspondent of the New York Tribune, tells of the purchase of Burns by McDaniels, of North Carolina, and then appeals, “Anthony having many friends in…
January 19, 1855 Notice of a meeting of the Society to be held in Worcester. Signed by Adin Ballou, here is an invitation to the meeting. It indicates that Garrison,…
January 19, 1855 From the Boston Evening Transcript, the story of Jackson, an alleged fugitive, who had been in the city for eight weeks. A Capt Fox, pursues Jackson. Jackson…
February 9, 1855 Excerpts from Henry Ward Beecher’s lecture at Broadway Tabernacle (N.Y.) “The struggle between the North and the South is not one of sections, and of parties, but…
February 9, 1855 A letter to Garrison, comes from “R.T.”, in Philadelphia. It comments on the oratorical power of Douglass, and cites parts of the speech in which Douglass says…
February 23, 1855 A notice that George W. Meeker, Esq., has resigned his office as U. S. Commissioner, in Chicago, “owing to repugnance to acting under the Fugitive Slave Law”
February 23, 1855 Craft writes to Garrison, from London. “I was pleased to see that it required military force to return poor Burns into slavery. I think the law would…
March 2, 1855 Here is the text of a speech by Senator Houston, at Tremont Temple, in which he defends slavery. “….It is necessity that produces slavery, it is convenience,…
March 9, 1855 In this speech, Burns tells of his arrest. “When I was going home one night I heard someone running behind me; presently a hand was put on…
March 30, 1855 The report of the Committee on Education cites numerous reasons why the city of Boston must not continue its practice of assigning colored children to separate schools. …
April 6, 1855 Here is the report of the Committee on Federal Relations, which cites its reasons for a request that Governor Henry J. Gardner “with the advice and consent…
April 6, 1855 Here is a complaint that the above Board is “using every means which a cautious diplomacy can suggest, to get the British churches and ministers committee to…
April 20, 1855 From Greensboro, Georgia, comes a letter signed “Martin”. It tells the story of a man in town who was suspected of being an Abolitionist, no name given,…
April 20, 1855 An account of various amendments offered to the report of the Committee on Federal Relations, which has recommended the removal of the Judge. These amendments were designed…
April 27, 1855 Notice that I. S. Richardson, of Boston, has invented a way of informing passengers of every succeeding station they are to arrive at, and its distance from…
April 27, 1855 C. Stearns writes to Garrison, with an account of what is happening in Kansas. It is an account of the price of land, and includes the story…
April 27, 1855 Henry C. Wright addresses a long article to The Rev. Lyman Beecher. Beecher has evidently argued for the right of the state to punish by hanging. Wright,…
May 4, 1855 T. W. Higginson sends to the Worcester Spy, an account of a wedding at which he has officiated, at a farmhouse in West Brookfield. The bridegroom was…
May 11, 1855 Here are notes taken at a lecture by the “colored dentist of Boston”, who has recently lectured in several places in the city. The title of the…
May 18, 1855 Alarmed by the behaviour of the “national executive in respect to Spain”, Child writes under the title, Another War to Increase the Profits of Slave-Generations and Human…
May 18, 1855 The Governor has refused to remove Judge Loring. After recounting the Governor’s stated reasons, the article comments: “This is not a temporary issue. It is no trifling…
June 1, 1855 An article answers this question: “We answer no. Not while the existing Union stands. Its fate is settled. We shall briefly state of the reasons which force…
June 1, 1855 Notice of a meeting to be held in Concord. “The signs of the times indicate the approach of a grand Moral and Political Revolution, which shall array…
July 6, 1855 Here is an announcement by William Cooper Nell of his pending book, to be issued in May. His book will “portray the patriotism and bravery exhibited by…
July 20, 1855 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, here is an article from the Louisiana Courier. “Is there no hope for the South and its people in the impending…
August 10, 1855 Under the Refuge of Oppression column, is an account of this three-day meeting of pro-slavery advocates. It lists ten resolutions passed, including one which recommends retaliation to…
August 17, 1855 William Cooper Nell has an article about the last days of the separate school, the Smith School. The article notes the “lack of zeal for examination day,…
August 24, 1855 This article calls attention to the death of Lawrence, and recounts a recent gathering at Faneuil Hall in his memory. The article recognizes his many contributions to…
August 24. 1855 Higginson writes to Garrison, commenting on a report by Edmund Quincy, which indicates that the rescue was “ill-advised and injudicious”. His response includes: “If it is ever…
August 30, 1855 Under the Refuge of Oppression, a column from the New York Evening Mirror comments on the assertion of abolitionists, that a Negro man is like a White…
September 7, 1855 This article references a pamphlet telling of the proceedings of the Convention, held in Syracuse, in June. It is signed by Tappan, Goodell, Gerrit Smith, S.S. Jocelyn,…
September 14, 1855 The Board of the School Committee has acted to implement the recent law against separate schools for colored children, and this gives notice that the services of…
October 19, 1855 Here is a brief exchange between William Goodell and Garrison. Goodell writes to Garrison, saying that he is mistaken in thinking that he (Goodell) makes “the condition…
October 26, 1855 An account of the event which on the anniversary of the ’35 event when Garrison was almost lynched, and members of the Boston Female Anti-Slavery Society, were…
November 2, 1855 Three full pages of this edition are devoted to speeches made on this occasion, by many who were present then, including Garrison, Parker, Phillips, Jackson, Wright. None…
November 16, 1855 A letter to Garrison, is signed , “G.W.S.”, and tells the story of a fugitive slave from Richmond, who was sheltered in Milford overnight, then the next…
November 26, 1855 Here is notice of a pamphlet, now available, which contains the speeches made at the time of the twentieth anniversary of the Mob of “Gentlemen of Property…
November 26, 1855 This letter, from Garrison, is dated October 29, 1855, and comes from the Hall of Free State Constitutional Convention, Topeka. Garrison believes that Free State people outnumber…
December 7, 1855 William Cooper Nell writes an account of the Convention, held in Philadelphia. Amos Beman presides, and speakers include Remond, M’Clune Smith, Robert Purvis, and Frederick Douglass. A…
December 14, 1855 William Cooper Nell culls from The Liberator, some memories of what Garrison has said and stood for. , “showing that, from his first advocacy of anti-slavery to…
December 21, 1855 Here is a notice from the Boston Transcript, of the school, located on Temple Place, with a tuition of twenty dollars a year. The article appeals to…
December 28, 1855 The story of a presentation to Nell for his efforts on behalf of Equal School Rights. The gathering is at the Southac Street church, and includes, a…