Category: <span>-William Lloyd Garrison’s Best Lines & Headlines</span>

The Anglo-African says that Mrs. Abraham Lincoln has presented the Contraband Relief Association of Washington the generous contribution of two hundred dollars for the relief of the suffering freedmen in…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN  60 Pleasant Street. The experiment of a Special Hospital for Lying-In Patients and the Diseases of Women has now been under trial in Boston, for…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

A GENERAL  EMANCIPATIION ACT  — Wm. Wells Brown will address the people on the above subject, as follow:   Northfield, Mass.  Friday, Dec. 11  — Bernardston, Mass.  Saturday,Dec. 12 —  Leyden,…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Our colored soldiers of the 54th and 55th will not accept the additional pay offered them by Massachusetts.  They say, and they say correctly, that they are soldiers of the…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

THE PROBLEM SOLVED  !   An intensely interesting work, arguing the inevitable and the only just solution of the relations of the White and Negro races of this continent.  It be…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

The Gloucester Fire.   The fire at Gloucester, on Thursday of last week, proves to have been even more disastrous than at first supposed. While the storm of wind was howling…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

THE FUGITIVE SLAVE  LAW   Washington,  Feb 29.Senator Sumner’s report made, to-day, from the Select Committee on Freedmen, discusses the relation between slavery and the fugitive slave acts, which it says…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Died,in Brighton, March 5, Mr. John Telemachus Hilton, aged 62 Born in Pennsylvania, he, when a young man, came to the Eastern States, and became a protégé of the Reverend…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Cruelty to a Slave In Richmond.  It will be seen by the following that slavery is not dead yet, though some of the victims are almost:……..During the session of the…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Sufferings of Contrabands.  A Vicksburg (Miss.) correspondent of the Tribune, under date of March 4, writes:    Some 2000 slaves of all ages and colors reached here yesterday.  It was one…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

A correspondent calls attention to the fact that a great many boarding-houses in this city are kept by rank secessionists.   This is true.  There are hundreds of such houses, most…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

BENJAMIN LUNDY  (From Greeley’s History of the Rebellion) Benjamin Lundy deserves the high honor of ranking as the pioneer of direct and distinctive anti-slavery in America…….   In the year 1815,…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

WHO ARE ABOLITIONISTS? The St. Paul Press, for political effect, or some other foolish purpose, the editor of that paper says:  — “The Republican party is, in fact, the only…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

The last rebel device is said by the New South to have been practiced near Jacksonville.  A  dead negro was found floating  in the water, anchored out with a torpedo. …

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Contents of a Secesh Journal.     Nigger, nigger, more nigger, big nigger, little nigger, abolition, John Brown, Stonewall Jackson’s grave, nigger, black nigger, yaller nigger; C-o-n-s-t-i-t-u-t-i-o-n; peace on any terms; emancipation,…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Release of Rev. Calvin Fairbank   After twelve years’ incarceration (the sentence was fifteen years) in the Kentucky penitentiary, on the charge of having aided in the escape of some fugitive…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

The New States     Enabling acts have passed the House of Representatives for the admission of Nebraska, Colorado, and Nevada into the Union.    For the first time in the history of…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

BENJAMIN LUNDY  (From Greeley’s History of the Rebellion) Benjamin Lundy deserves the high honor of ranking as the pioneer of direct and distinctive anti-slavery in America…….   In the year 1815,…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines * ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY

Death of Nathaniel Hawthorne   Nathaniel Hawthorne, the author, died at Plymouth, New Hampshire, May 19th.  He was stopping at Plymouth in the course of a journey for the benefit of…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

S. Senate, May 27 The joint resolution to amend the charter of the City of Washington was taken up, and the amendment allowing persons to be registered as voters who…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

On Wednesday, the 25th of May, a company of colored soldiers, just arrived in Washington, was passing from the depot through North Capital Street towards the Capital, and in full…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Crowd the House ! – George Thompson, Esq., will deliver an Address on behalf of the Colored Soldiers Aid Society, in the 12th Baptist Church, Southac street, (Rev. Grime’s) on…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Senator Sumner has had an interview with the Secretary of War and the Attorney General on the matter of the immediate payment of Massachusetts colored regiments, which it had been…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

The President Cheered. During President Lincoln’s visit to Gen. Grant’s army:   “The noticeable feature of the ride was the passing of a brigade of negro troops.  The troops were lounging…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

It is hardly too much to say, that the hearty and earnest endorsement of President Lincoln’s nomination by Wm. Lloyd Garrison, of the Boston Liberator, the Anti-Slavery Standard, the Tribune,…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Colored Pupils in the Boston Schools.  At the late examination, Elizabeth Norton Smith of the Wells School received a Franklin Medal, and Catherine E. Snowden of the Bowdoin School  a…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Chivalarous Sentiment in Delicate Expression.   The New York Evening Post, has drawn down upon itself the indignation of a Copperhead screamer, who is probably a southern gentleman doing business in…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Raising the Price of Newspapers       The price of the Boston daily newspapers has been raised from three to five cents per copy, and to yearly subscribers a corresponding increase.  This…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Shocking Accident on the South Shore Railroad Last evening as the six o’clock evening train from Boston to Cohasset was going with considerable speed between West Hingham and Hingham, the…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

What the Rebels Expect from the Copperheads. The editor of the British American, of Kingston, C.W., who was recently at Halifax, reports a conversation which he had there with the…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

The Freed Slaves   — The Philadelphia North American submits a carefully prepared estimate of the number of slaves thus far set free by the administration, or by the events of…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines * ALL ARTICLES CHRONOLOGICALLY

On Wednesday night one or two rowdies attacked the Rev. Highland Garnet in front of the St. Charles Hotel, where he is stopping.  He was struck and knocked down, and…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Death of Chief Justice Taney      The intelligence of the decease of the historically infamous author of the Dred Scott Decision, which took place at Washington on the 12th inst., after…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

The McClellan papers generally follow the advice of the Richmond Enquirer, and call their opponents Abolitionists.  The word does not frighten any one now. As tweedle-dum is to tweedle-dee, so…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Mrs. Frances Ellen Harper     This eminent anti-slavery lecturer, of long standing, delivered one of her able and eloquent addresses on “The Mission of the War”, Sunday evening, Oct. 23, 1864. …

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Rebel Governors in Council  — The Richmond papers of the 24th contain the proceedings of the rebel Governors of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi.  They adopted resolutions…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

The Copperhead press are rejoicing over Millard Filmore’s endorsement of Gen. McClellan.  Filmore justifies revolution in the South, in case a President were elected displeasing to the Southern people.  The…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

– Rebel Governors in Council  (Liberator, Nov 4, 1864, pg 3) — The Richmond papers of the 24th contain the proceedings of the rebel Governors of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina,…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

September 23, 1864 —- Letter from Frederick Douglass Douglass writes about a letter of his recently sent to an English correspondent, and published subsequently in the Liberator.  Douglass comments on…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

Fillmore endorsement justifies attitude of South     (Liberator, Nov 4, 1864, pg 3)   The Copperhead press are rejoicing over Millard Fillmore’s endorsement of Gen. McClellan.  Fillmore justifes revolution…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines

The Louisville Journal Gives Up Slavery.   In a leading  editorial in reply to a correspondent who urges emancipation as the only hope and salvation of Kentucky, it frankly admits that…

-William Lloyd Garrison's Best Lines & Headlines